Creating Good Dental Habits for Your Teen

Creating Good Dental Habits for Your Teen

Teenagers have a lot of responsibilities to juggle, from school, homework, extra-curricular activities to maintaining a social life. Sometimes it is easy for them to forget to take care of their own personal hygiene, that’s why it is important for parents to help them form good hygiene habits to set them up for life. Oral…

Child Dental Benefits Scheme

Here at Coomera Dental Centre, we can treat both children and adults and are always available to help you get your best smile. We also offer bulk billing through the Child Dental Benefit Scheme for eligible children. What is Bulk Billing? When we bulk bill, it means we submit your dental bill directly to Medicare…

Sensitive Teeth

Having sensitive teeth is a very frustrating struggle for many and can take the enjoyment out of cold treats or your hot coffee. It can be just one tooth, multiple, or all of them that give you sensitivity and it can be chronic or mild.   What causes sensitivity? Gum disease and recession Tooth decay…

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the third molars in the back of your mouth which normally come through around late teens to mid-twenties. However some wisdom teeth will never erupt, and some people are born without wisdom teeth. There are some lucky people who never have any issues with their wisdom teeth if they have come through…

Making the Most of Your Private Health Insurance

With the end of the 2022-2023 financial year approaching, some private health funds start a new year of dental entitlements. Unfortunately, these benefits do not rollover to the next financial year, they just reset meaning you will lose them. You have until June 30th 2023 to make the most of your dental benefits.   Coming…

Signs of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay can be difficult to detect without a routine check-up.   X ray and certain instruments are used to detect decay at a dental visit but other symptoms in everyday life can help identify an issue. Signs of tooth decay can include: Sensitivity Toothache Discolouration Bad breath   Sensitivity Sensitivity when eating things such as…

Introducing the i-Tero Intraoral Scanner for Invisalign Treatment

Here at Coomera Dental Centre, we are proud to offer the latest technology and treatment options. The new i-Tero scanner allows us to take 3D digital impressions of your teeth and bite. This enables us to effectively plan and design your personalised Invisalign treatment, with the ability to make any adjustments in real-time throughout the…


Mouth guards are devices used to protect your teeth from grinding or clenching while you sleep or from injuries while you play sports. They can also help to reduce snoring and relieve obstructive sleep apnea. Mouth guards can reduce the risk of dental injuries. Sport, leisure and recreation activities are the most common cause of…

Is too much sugar rotting our teeth?

It’s no secret that we are consuming sugars at a higher rate than ever before. Accessibility, price and addiction to it all play a part in the reasoning behind an increased consumption rate. From soft-drinks and alcohol, to cakes and pastries, there is an abundance of sugary treats right at our finger tips ready for…