Why Flossing Everyday Could Change Your Life

Why Flossing Everyday Could Change Your Life

It’s no surprise to dentists to hear from patients that flossing isn’t happening on the daily. However, this is a cause for concern considering that if you rely solely on brushing to clean your teeth you are missing cleaning a large portion of your teeth and this leads to gum disease, tooth decay and even…

Dental Implants

A dental implant is a piece of metal that looks like a screw. It is put into the jaw where the missing tooth’s roots were. Over time, bone grows around the implant, which helps to hold it in place. An artificial tooth, or crown, is then attached to the metal to fill in the gap…

Thumb Sucking

It’s normal for babies to suck their fingers and thumbs as they are born with a reflex to suck any object placed in their mouth. This behaviour helps during the first few months of establishing feeding and disappears at around four months. There are usually no long-term ill-effects from thumb sucking in early childhood and…

Are you experiencing dental anxiety?

If you are feeling nervous or anxious when you think about coming to the dentist, you are not alone. Many people often put off their dental appointments and treatment or just avoid coming to the dentist altogether because of such severe anxiety. Unfortunately, this puts your oral health at risk. Many people experience anxieties due…