Receding Gums

emergency dentist coomera

Receding Gums

If you have ever heard of or had receding gums, you would know how sore and daunting this can be. There are a few reasons that cause receding gums such as Infection or periodontal disease, over brushing, genetics, tooth positioning, poor oral health and grinding. Infection such as gingivitis can cause the gums to appear…

Dental Implants while Pregnant

First of all Congratulations!! You are having a baby. As for dental implants, during pregnancy it is very important to look after your teeth and gums, pregnant women are more prone to dental problems due to the hormonal change. Tooth decay, bleeding gums and other dental concerns. It is very important to maintain your oral…

What Causes Bad Breath and How to Cure it?

If you have ever experienced having bad breath, you would know that this can be an embarrassing and traumatising experience. It can leave you feeling anxious and self-conscious and can affect how people react to you. There are a number of reasons or possibilities as to what causes bad breath and how to cure it….